All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- block(String, int, int) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Adds a block with no properties to the level.
- block(String, int, int, int) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Adds a block with no properties to the level.
- block(String, Iterable<Coordinate>) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Adds a block with no properties to the level.
- block(String, Map<String, Object>, Iterable<Coordinate>) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Adds a block to the level.
- block(String, Map<String, Object>, Coordinate) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Adds a block to the level.
- block(String, Map<String, Object>, Coordinate...) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Adds a block to the level.
- block(String, Coordinate) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Adds a block with no properties to the level.
- block(String, Coordinate...) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Adds a block with no properties to the level.
- block(Block, int, int) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Adds a block to the level.
- block(Block, int, int, int) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Adds a block to the level.
- block(Block, Coordinate) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Adds a block to the level.
- block(LevelObject) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Adds a block to the level.
- Block - Class in xyz.calcugames.levelz
Represents a Block in a Level.
- Block(String) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Block
Creates a new Block with the given name and empty properties.
- Block(String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Block
Creates a new Block with the given name and properties.
- build() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Builds the level.
- build() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.LevelParser.Builder
Builds the parser.
- builder() - Static method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.LevelParser
Creates a new Level Parser Builder.
- clone() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level
- clone() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level2D
- clone() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level3D
- COMMENT - Static variable in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.Keywords
The beginning of a comment.
- COMMENT_CHAR - Static variable in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.Keywords
The beginning of a comment.
- compareTo(Coordinate) - Method in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate
- compareTo(LevelObject) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelObject
- Coordinate - Interface in xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord
Represents a Game Coordinate.
- Coordinate2D - Class in xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord
Represents a 2-Dimensional Coordinate.
- Coordinate2D(double[]) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
Constructs a 2D Coordinate.
- Coordinate2D(double, double) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
Constructs a 2D Coordinate.
- Coordinate2D(float[]) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
Constructs a 2D Coordinate.
- Coordinate2D(float, float) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
Constructs a 2D Coordinate.
- Coordinate2D(int[]) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
Constructs a 2D Coordinate.
- Coordinate2D(int, int) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
Constructs a 2D Coordinate.
- Coordinate3D - Class in xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord
Represents a 3-Dimensional Coordinate.
- Coordinate3D(double[]) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
Constructs a 3D Coordinate.
- Coordinate3D(double, double, double) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
Constructs a 3D Coordinate.
- Coordinate3D(float[]) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
Constructs a 3D Coordinate.
- Coordinate3D(float, float, float) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
Constructs a 3D Coordinate.
- Coordinate3D(int[]) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
Constructs a 3D Coordinate.
- Coordinate3D(int, int, int) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
Constructs a 3D Coordinate.
- CoordinateMatrix - Class in xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord
Represents a matrix of coordinates.
- CoordinateMatrix(Dimension) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix
Creates a new Coordinate Matrix.
- CoordinateMatrix2D - Class in xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord
Represents a 2D matrix of coordinates.
- CoordinateMatrix2D(int, int, int, int, Coordinate2D) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix2D
Creates a new 2D matrix of coordinates.
- CoordinateMatrix2D(int, int, Coordinate2D) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix2D
Creates a new 2D matrix of coordinates with minimum values of 0.
- CoordinateMatrix3D - Class in xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord
Represents a 3D matrix of coordinates.
- CoordinateMatrix3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, Coordinate3D) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix3D
Creates a new 3D matrix of coordinates.
- CoordinateMatrix3D(int, int, int, Coordinate3D) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix3D
Creates a new 3D matrix of coordinates with minimum values of 0.
- create2D() - Static method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Creates a 2D Level Builder.
- create3D() - Static method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Creates a 3D Level Builder.
- DEFAULT_COORDINATE_2D - Static variable in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.Keywords
The default coordinates for a 2D Level
- DEFAULT_COORDINATE_3D - Static variable in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.Keywords
The default coordinates for a 3D Level
- Dimension - Enum Class in xyz.calcugames.levelz
Represents a Game Dimension.
- END - Static variable in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.Keywords
Marks the end of the file
- equals(Object) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Block
- equals(Object) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
- equals(Object) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
- equals(Object) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix
- equals(Object) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelObject
- Errors - Interface in xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser
Utility class for storing common LevelZ Errors
- export(Level) - Static method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelExporter
Exports the Level to a file.
- FAILED_TO_CLOSE_READER - Static variable in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.Errors
Error message for failed LevelZ Reader close
- fileExtension - Variable in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelExporter
Whether to include a section separator in the export.
- fromArray(double[]) - Static method in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate
Creates a Coordinate from an array of doubles.
- fromArray(float[]) - Static method in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate
Creates a Coordinate from an array of floats.
- fromArray(int[]) - Static method in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate
Creates a Coordinate from an array of integers.
- fromString(String) - Static method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Block
Converts a string into a Block.
- fromString(String) - Static method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix2D
Parses a 2D matrix of coordinates from a string.
- fromString(String) - Static method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix3D
Parses a string into a 3D matrix of coordinates.
- fromString(String) - Static method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
Parses a 2D Coordinate from a string.
- fromString(String) - Static method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
Parses a 3D Coordinate from a string.
- getBlock() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelObject
Gets the block of this LevelObject.
- getBlocks() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Gets an immutable copy of the current blocks of the level.
- getBlocks() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level
Gets an immutable copy of all blocks to their coordinates in this level.
- getBlocks() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level2D
- getBlocks() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level3D
- getCoordinate() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelObject
Gets the coordinate of this LevelObject.
- getCoordinates() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix
Gets the coordinates in the matrix.
- getCoordinates() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix2D
- getCoordinates() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix3D
- getCoordinates() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level
Gets an immutable copy of all coordinates in this level.
- getCoordinates() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level2D
- getCoordinates() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level3D
- getDefaultCoordinate() - Method in enum class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Dimension
Gets the default coordinate for this dimension in string form.
- getDimension() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Gets the current dimension of the level.
- getDimension() - Method in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate
Gets the dimension of the Coordinate.
- getDimension() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
- getDimension() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
- getDimension() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix
Gets the dimension of the matrix.
- getDistance(Coordinate) - Method in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate
Gets the distance between two Coordinates.
- getDistance(Coordinate) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
- getDistance(Coordinate) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
- getHeaders() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Gets an immutable copy of the current headers of the level.
- getHeaders() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level
Gets an immutable copy of the raw headers for this level.
- getInputStream() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.LevelParser
Gets the input stream for this parser.
- getMagnitude() - Method in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate
Gets the magnitude of the Coordinate.
- getMagnitude() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
- getMagnitude() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
- getName() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Block
Gets the name of this block.
- getProperties() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Block
Gets an immutable copy of the properties for this block.
- getScroll() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level2D
Gets the scroll direction for this 2D Level.
- getSeed() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.LevelParser
Gets the randomizer seed for this parser.
- getSpawn() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level
Gets the spawn point for this level.
- getSpawn() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level2D
- getSpawn() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level3D
- getStart() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix
Gets the starting coordinate of the matrix.
- getStart() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix2D
- getStart() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix3D
- getX() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
Gets the X Value of the Coordinate.
- getX() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
Gets the X Value of the Coordinate.
- getY() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
Gets the Y Value of the Coordinate.
- getY() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
Gets the Y Value of the Coordinate.
- getZ() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
Gets the Z Value of the Coordinate.
- hashCode() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Block
- hashCode() - Method in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate
- hashCode() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
- hashCode() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
- hashCode() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix
- hashCode() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelObject
- header(String, String) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Sets a header value.
- HEADER_END - Static variable in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.Keywords
Marks the end of the header section
- HORIZONTAL_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Scroll
Horizontal Scrolling moving left
- HORIZONTAL_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Scroll
Horizontal Scrolling moving right
- includeData - Variable in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelExporter
Whether to include data in the export.
- includeHeaders - Variable in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelExporter
Whether to include headers in the export.
- input(File) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.LevelParser.Builder
Sets the input for this parser.
- input(InputStream) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.LevelParser.Builder
Sets the input for this parser.
- INVALID_BLOCK - Static variable in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.Errors
Error message for an invalid LevelZ Block
- INVALID_HEADER - Static variable in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.Errors
Error message for an invalid LevelZ Header
- INVALID_POINT - Static variable in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.Errors
Error message for an invalid LevelZ Point
- INVALID_PROBABILITIES - Static variable in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.Errors
Error message for when LevelZ probabilities in a block exceed 1.0
- is2D() - Method in enum class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Dimension
Gets if this dimension is 2D.
- is3D() - Method in enum class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Dimension
Gets if this dimension is 3D.
- iterator() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix
- iterator() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level
- Keywords - Interface in xyz.calcugames.levelz
Utility class for LevelZ File Keywords
- Level - Class in xyz.calcugames.levelz
Represents a LevelZ level.
- Level() - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level
Creates an empty Level.
- Level(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level
Creates a new Level with the given headers.
- Level2D - Class in xyz.calcugames.levelz
Represents a 2D level.
- Level2D() - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level2D
Creates an empty 2D Level.
- Level2D(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level2D
Creates a new 2D Level with the given headers.
- Level2D(Map<String, String>, Collection<LevelObject>) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level2D
Creates a new 2D Level with the given headers and blocks.
- Level3D - Class in xyz.calcugames.levelz
Represents a 3D level.
- Level3D() - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level3D
Creates an empty 3D Level.
- Level3D(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level3D
Creates a new 3D Level with the given headers.
- Level3D(Map<String, String>, Collection<LevelObject>) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Level3D
Creates a new 3D Level with the given headers and blocks.
- LevelBuilder - Class in xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder
Represents a builder for creating LevelZ Levels.
- LevelExporter - Class in xyz.calcugames.levelz
Represents a class that exports a LevelZ Level to a file.
- LevelObject - Class in xyz.calcugames.levelz
Utility Object for representing a Level Block and its Coordinate.
- LevelObject(String, int, int) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelObject
Creates a new LevelObject with the given block and coordinate.
- LevelObject(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelObject
Creates a new LevelObject with the given block and coordinate.
- LevelObject(String, Map<String, Object>, int, int) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelObject
Creates a new LevelObject with the given block and coordinate.
- LevelObject(String, Map<String, Object>, int, int, int) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelObject
Creates a new LevelObject with the given block and coordinate.
- LevelObject(Block, int, int) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelObject
Creates a new LevelObject with the given block and coordinate.
- LevelObject(Block, int, int, int) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelObject
Creates a new LevelObject with the given block and coordinate.
- LevelObject(Block, Coordinate) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelObject
Creates a new LevelObject with the given block and coordinate.
- LevelParser - Class in xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser
Represents a LevelZ level parser.
- LevelParser(Random) - Constructor for class xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.LevelParser
Creates a new Level Parser.
- LevelParser.Builder - Class in xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser
Represents a Level Parser Builder.
- lineSeparator - Variable in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelExporter
The line separator to use in the export.
- logger(Logger) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.LevelParser.Builder
Sets the logger for the parser.
- MalformedPointException - Exception in xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser
Thrown when a point is malformed.
- MalformedPointException(String) - Constructor for exception xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.MalformedPointException
Creates a new Malformed Point Exception.
- MalformedPointException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.MalformedPointException
Creates a new Malformed Point Exception.
- matrix(Block, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Performs a block matrix operation.
- matrix(Block, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Performs a block matrix operation.
- MISSING_DIMENSION_TYPE - Static variable in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.Errors
Error message for missing LevelZ Type Header (@type)
- MISSING_SPAWNPOINT - Static variable in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.Errors
Error message for missing LevelZ Spawnpoint Header (@spawn)
- MissingHeaderException - Exception in xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser
Thrown to indicate a LevelZ Header is missing.
- MissingHeaderException(String) - Constructor for exception xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.MissingHeaderException
Creates a new Missing Header Exception.
- MissingHeaderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.MissingHeaderException
Creates a new Missing Header Exception.
- parse() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.LevelParser
Parses the level from the input stream.
- ParseException - Exception in xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser
Thrown to indicate errors in parsing a LevelZ file.
- ParseException(String) - Constructor for exception xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.ParseException
Creates a new Parse Exception.
- ParseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.ParseException
Creates a new Parse Exception.
- scroll(Scroll) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Sets the scroll direction for the level.
- Scroll - Enum Class in xyz.calcugames.levelz
Represents the scroll direction of a 2D Level.
- seed(Random) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.LevelParser.Builder
Sets the randomizer seed for this parser.
- setX(double) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
Sets the X Value of the Coordinate.
- setX(double) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
Sets the X Value of the Coordinate.
- setX(int) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
Gets the Y Value of the Coordinate.
- setY(double) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
Sets the Y Value of the Coordinate.
- setY(double) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
Sets the Y Value of the Coordinate.
- setY(int) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
Sets the Y Value of the Coordinate.
- setZ(double) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
Sets the Z Value of the Coordinate.
- spawn(int[]) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Sets the spawn point for the level.
- spawn(Coordinate) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder.LevelBuilder
Sets the spawn point for the level.
- THREE - Enum constant in enum class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Dimension
Represents a 3D Space.
- toString() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Block
- toString() - Method in interface xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate
- toString() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate2D
- toString() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.Coordinate3D
- toString() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix
Gets the string version of this coordinate matrix.
- toString() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix2D
- toString() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord.CoordinateMatrix3D
- toString() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelObject
- TWO - Enum constant in enum class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Dimension
Represents a 2D Plane.
- value(String) - Static method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser.LevelParser
Converts a string to an object value.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Dimension
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Scroll
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Dimension
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Scroll
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- VERTICAL_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Scroll
Vertical Scrolling moving down
- VERTICAL_UP - Enum constant in enum class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Scroll
Vertical Scrolling moving up
- withName(String) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Block
Creates a new Block with the given name and these properties.
- withProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.Block
Creates a new Block with this name and the given properties.
- writeToByteArray(byte[]) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelExporter
Writes to a byte array using the default charset.
- writeToByteArray(byte[], Charset) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelExporter
Writes to a byte array.
- writeToFile(File) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelExporter
Writes to a file using the default charset.
- writeToFile(File, Charset) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelExporter
Writes to a file.
- writeToPath(Path) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelExporter
Writes to a file path using the default charset.
- writeToPath(Path, Charset) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelExporter
Writes to a file path.
- writeToStream(OutputStream) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelExporter
Writes this level to an output stream using the default charset.
- writeToStream(OutputStream, Charset) - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelExporter
Writes this level to an output stream.
- writeToString() - Method in class xyz.calcugames.levelz.LevelExporter
Exports the Level to a string.
- xyz.calcugames.levelz - package xyz.calcugames.levelz
Main LevelZ Java API
- xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder - package xyz.calcugames.levelz.builder
LevelZ Java Builder API
- xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord - package xyz.calcugames.levelz.coord
LevelZ Java Coordinate API
- xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser - package xyz.calcugames.levelz.parser
LevelZ Java Parsing API
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form