


Represents the scroll direction of a 2D Level.


Represents a LevelZ level.


Represents a 2D Level.


Represents a 3D Level.

Module Contents

class levelz.level.Scroll

Bases: enum.Enum

Represents the scroll direction of a 2D Level.

NONE = 'none'

No Scrolling

HORIZONTAL_LEFT = 'horizontal-left'

Horizontal Scrolling moving left

HORIZONTAL_RIGHT = 'horizontal-right'

Horizontal Scrolling moving right

VERTICAL_UP = 'vertical-up'

Vertical Scrolling moving up

VERTICAL_DOWN = 'vertical-down'

Vertical Scrolling moving down

class levelz.level.Level(dimension: levelz.coord.Dimension)

Represents a LevelZ level.

_dimension: levelz.coord.Dimension
_blocks: list[levelz.block.LevelObject] = []
_headers: dict[str, object]
property dimension
Returns the Dimension of the Level.
property blocks
Returns an immutable copy of the blocks in the Level.
property headers
Returns an immutable copy of the headers in the Level.
class levelz.level.Level2D(headers: dict[str, object] = {}, blocks: list[levelz.block.LevelObject] = [])

Bases: Level

Represents a 2D Level.

property scroll
Returns the Scroll of the Level.
property spawn
Returns the spawn point of the Level.
class levelz.level.Level3D(headers: dict[str, object] = {}, blocks: list[levelz.block.LevelObject] = [])

Bases: Level

Represents a 3D Level.

property spawn
Returns the spawn point of the Level.