
class Level3D : Level

Represents a 3D level.


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Creates an empty 3D Level.

constructor(headers: Map<String, String>)

Creates a new 3D Level with the given headers.

constructor(headers: Map<String, String>, blocks: Collection<LevelObject>)

Creates a new 3D Level with the given headers and blocks.


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open override val blocks: Set<LevelObject>

The blocks in the level.

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open override val coordinates: Set<Coordinate3D>

The coordinates in the level.

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open override val dimension: Dimension

The dimension of the level.

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Gets an immutable copy of the raw headers for this level, excluding the dimension.

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open override val spawn: Coordinate3D

The spawnpoint for the level.


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fun Level.export(includeHeaders: Boolean = true, includeData: Boolean = true, lineSeparator: String = ""): String

Exports this Level to a String.

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Gets an immutable copy of the raw headers for this level.

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open operator override fun iterator(): Iterator<LevelObject>
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Maps all the given coordinates to LevelObjects with the given block.